How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? — Sherlock Holmes

To the finder of fact: this presentation’s guiding principal is detailed forensic-grade information. Our intent is to present honest, straightforward evidence for the thoughtful adult to assimilate and thus enable them to render a fair and informed decision.

Among the worst of their many other cruelties: Walmart personnel, aided and abetted by The Phoenix City Prosecutor repeatedly dragged a physically ill, despondent and beaten down Claudia Sobarzo into a Phoenix City Court Room for pointless hearings on a shoplifting charge they all knew, with 100% certainty, she was innocent of. So caught up in a fit of sadistic enthusiasm, evidently, it never dawned upon [9] Walmart and The Phoenix City Prosecutor what terrible “collateral” damage was being done to Claudia’s family. What if Claudia had not been such a seasoned sufferer and took her own life? This has happened many times before under far less stressful circumstances. And how would Walmart PR have spun the story about the Hispanic woman who committed suicide after being hounded for three years by Walmart for a crime she did not commit and Walmart knew with 100% certainty she did not commit?



Twenty months after “the crime” John and Claudia are on trial in Phoenix City Court for misdemeanor shoplifting two cases of Bud Light

Documented at subject Phoenix City Court Trial, a Walmart ex-employee testified, under oath, that Walmart Legal and/or The City Prosecutor’s Office, told her to “chop” and “clean up” evidentiary security cam tapes, to “distill” all the many “clips” down to what made sense. Whoa! Haven’t we just put the fox in charge of the hen house? The employee, (redacted), had stated, on Phoenix Police body cam footage (not included but on file), she hated people like Claudia, made tasteless remarks about Claudia’s weight and opined Claudia and John were stupid, worthless and just took up space. Howthetrialkickedoff. Then, she clearly attempted to mislead first-on-the-scene police officer, told so many outright lies and gave so many cagey answers under oath would it be out of the question that she would “chop” out or deliberately not include any footage not favoring Walmart’s case against Claudia? We can’t say for sure (redacted) did this illegal “chopping” but we can tell this Jury, with 100% certainty, THE key piece of security cam tape that would have shown John and Claudia paying for (or not paying for) the beer they were accused of stealing, had mysteriously gone missing. We’re talking about the jewelry counter security camera’s footage and that from three other nearby cameras, taken at exactly the same point in time John and Claudia would have provably been at the jewelry counter pay point and the fact that it was the most important piece of evidence of them all. If this missing footage is not a textbook example of The Dog That Didn’t Bark In The Night evidence then I’ve misunderstood the meaning. Follow LINK (A-2 below) which will convince any reasonable-minded person there is little to no doubt about whether Walmart actors withheld exculpatory evidence , falsified evidence, committed perjury and possibly subordination of perjury in the course of its mad obsession to convict one Claudia Maria Sobarzo of a crime. For the finder of fact pressed for time this A-2 file is the one to read. It tells you more, faster than any other part of this presentation.

Jewelry Counter Camera. No footage from this camera was included as evidence at trial, according to the transcript itself. I went over the whole transcript and no one, including Claudia’s and John’s attorneys, strongly made this point to the judge or the jury. Now, Claudia’s attorney did pry it out of (redacted), while (redacted) was on the witness stand, that she, (redacted) did not, at first, conduct an audit of the jewelry counter cash register only the exit registers which was dumber than dirt because the store video clearly showed them not stopping. (redacted)’s feckless excuse for not, at first auditing the jewelry counter register, was that the jewelry counter register was not manned. Another misleading statement. Trial testimony makes it clear there were two associates near the cash register at the time John and Claudia were provably in the area and had Walmart not failed to preserve footage from the jewelry counter security cam, we’d know for sure wouldn’t we? Prosecutor tap danced around the subject and carefully avoided mentioning the critical missing footage from jewelry counter camera but instead drew jury’s attention away to that meaningless, cobbled-together, “chopped” and spliced, “distilled”, one minute long, piece of crap tape and still shots put together by Walmart and City Prosecutors.

This LINK: Jerri Williams Letter a letter from Phoenix Chief of Police saying case had been forwarded to The County Attorney’s Office proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Walmart’s phony shoplifting charges placed Claudia in jeopardy of being charged with felony shoplifting. (Maricopa County Attorney only handles felony cases). Whether or not this was a deliberate action by Walmart will be decided by The National Jury following the facts wherever they might lead.

Walmart attorneys had not one shred of credible inculpatory evidence, via The City of Phoenix Prosecutor’s Office, to bring before the court and yet they barged ahead. Every shred and we mean every last shred, beginning with the stupidly flawed [10] original PHX PD incident report detailing the fake shoplifting complaints, every piece of evidence was a red neon sign flashing in the night …. not guilty….not guilty….fraud….fraud. I include a link to a breakdown of PHX PD’s Original Incident Report Exhibit A-1. Exhibits 1-5 Simplified[11] To date no one, including myself compiler of report and practicing attorneys can make heads or tails of it. The number one takeaway for most is this: all Walmart attorneys and The City of Phoenix Prosecutors matriculated into and graduated from some law school, passed the bar exam and are bound by sacred oath, to act as responsible officers of the court and thus had to have known the Original PHX PD Incident Report was nothing but a pack of lies, sub-juvenile nonsense conjured up by Walmart shop girls.

To the store actors called out by pseudonym: if it’s the truth; it ain’t libel so don’t waste my time and yours with frivolous lawsuits. You all chose to lie under oath for Walmart and cared not you were throwing the destitute and innocent Claudia Maria Sobarzo and her family under the bus. Now, judgment day has dawned; you made your bed—now sleep in it.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury please allow us to tell you exactly what all this means up to this point. It proves beyond a reasonable doubt, that what was strongly suspected before is now all but a proven fact. Walmart Inc.’s lawyers used their legal expertise to engage in illegal conduct. Specifically, in violation of Federal Law, these Walmart attorneys or their surrogates, local Walmart actors, set out to retaliate against a destitute Claudia M. Sobarzo, a Walmart employee who dared file EEOC complaints against the corporation. This evil shenanigan strove to derail complaints against Walmart regarding wrongful termination and retaliation. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, these attorneys not only had prior access to the phony evidence that was presented to police and the court, but they also helped compile it tacitly or otherwise. Any honest lawyer, worth his or her salt, would have sifted through this “evidence”, especially that Original Police Incident Report, and immediately declared it all to be a transparent fraud. No ifs, ands or buts about it, end of story. These same Walmart lawyers had to have known John and Claudia were innocent from the get-go and yet they proceeded with the charges and simply did not care about the horrible damages they were doing to the lives of two , down-on-their-luck, vulnerable adults and worse to the lives of their children. Walmart along with PHX PD and The City of Phoenix Prosecutor’s Office knowingly threw the Mexican woman and spouse under the bus. Sometime, after this ordeal began, my grandson asked: “Poppa, why are they doing this to us?” Of course, words like sorry human behavior would come to mind but the better answer might have been maybe we should ask Doug McMillon or John Furner, No. 1. and No. 2. at Walmart. Both of them, as well as major WM stockholders were early on made aware of their store manager’s sleazy doings hereabouts but all chose to ignore our pleas.


It’s been said for a long time a picture is worth a thousand words. If that be the case then videos to follow must be worth at least ten thousand each. These videos are clips from first-on-the-scene body cam footage Phoenix PD. This, we believe, is an internet first where Jurists making up The Court of Public Opinion, can actually be a fly on the wall when the camera records a Walmart actor lying to and misleading a Phoenix Police Officer. On advice of counsel, we regretfully redact the videos but leave original dialogue.

Video No. 2. (redacted). WM actor blows smoke. All that low-voiced, confidential B.S. about having to gather evidence and waiting for WM Legal to give her the go ahead? Right here and later on the witness stand, this actor stated, for the record, that Walmart Legal was calling the shots. Let the Jury again be reminded The County Prosecutor’s Office refused to accept the case and promptly sent it back to PHX PD. Next, two of the three charges she submitted to officer were summarily dropped, even by The City of Phoenix Prosecutor’s Office, for lack of evidence. The last imaginary theft had taken place SEVEN full weeks before the body-cam conversations you the Jury would have heard transpired. In fact, the seven-week lull was used to insure Claudia’s frameup would be all it could be. Get their lies (not ducks) in a row to put it another way. It is now evident to all that Walmart Legal probably played a role in the shoplifting frameup and more likely than not, were active in this five-year drama going back to at least 2018 where they, according to writer of the below termination letter, WM Legal instructed him how to word this weasel-worded joke. Jury will please note letter is riddled with vague accusations and does not say a word about shoplifting. Letter of Termimination . ← (Enlarge)

Video 4. (redacted). In this video store actor is using the power of suggestion to convince PHX PD they are watching a theft go down. Now, the juror will see the same liquor aisle video (below) as did the officer and WM actor. Another overlooked but important fact. In video, (redacted) is again using “the power of suggestion” trying to convince Officer that Claudia is seen stuffing merchandise, other than the beer of course, into some sort of bag and yet no mention of this accusation is brought out at trial. No indeed, the store emphatically states, according to certified accurate store records, only 2ea. 30-packs of Bud Light were shoplifted. If jury will do what I did and put on the cheaters, shrink video down to about half-size, get up close to video and pay attention, jury will see there’s only purse placement; no bag stuffing is visible.

LINK: → LIQUOR_AISLE   Time and time again, Walmart store actors and attorneys can’t seem to get their stories straight.

After learning John and Claudia had a receipt for the beer this inconvenient fact, no doubt, prompted the security tape search that produced the exculpatory jewelry counter camera footage which Walmart actors then most likely destroyed. And since Liar No. 2. didn’t actually take the receipt from John, they determined they could deny there was one. The preceding suggestion is based on a mountain of circumstantial evidence and visual proof there was indeed a white, rectangular piece of paper in John’s hand that had nothing to do with a [12] white sticker” on subject Starbuck’s cup. Of course, no one with Walmart would admit that a white, rectangular piece of paper scaling out to be the same dimension as a Walmart receipt could have been a receipt but then what would you expect from a pack of demonstrated, serial liars?? What do you think it was National Jury? Entry and Exit Grocery Mp4 is video taken just seconds before the shopping cart video. This is a different version of the last video, Grocery Mp4. By looking to the lower left and click, click, clicking the pause button at about .04 seconds you can get a better look (lower left) at that receipt in John’s hand. That receipt around that cup is a plain as day. See how receipt projects below bottom of cup? Enlarge a bit for the best viewing. (Be patient, it takes some time to get it just right but it’s worth the effort.) Jury will recall no such piece of paper was visible in Liquor Aisle Footage. Where did it come from?

Now have a look at Starbuck’s 2. our recreation.

At trial, Walmart presented, as evidence, an audit of Uniform Price Code cash register receipts that attempted to prove John and Claudia could not have paid for the beer. There is no smoking gun proof and never will be that Walmart personnel falsified the cash register data but when one exhausts all other possibilities….


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  • 9. Or maybe it did and they just did not give a damn?
  • 10. To date, not one disinterested attorney has been able to figure out how and why anyone would be dumb enough to believe anything found in original Incident Report. One criminal defense attorney who also holds a degree in accounting said he could not read the report, threw it down and called it “typical phoenix police garbage”.
  • 11. This material primarily intended for attorneys, both Walmart and others. It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the original charges were indeed a tale told by an idiot. So, how did this tale get past all those licensed attorneys?
  • 12. White sticker is the insane response from City Prosecutor. The largest Starbuck’s sticker is about 2 inches square.