How the Trial Kicked Off


Prosecutor questioned Walmart witness, Liar No. 1., ex Walmart employee, about the details of her handiwork involving the compilation of a one minute “chopped” and patched “distilled” condensation of security cam tapes surveilling defendants during subject time period.

Note: This condensed “chopping” and pasting farce was constructed in its entirety by Liar No. 1. as requested by Walmart attorneys or maybe by city prosecutor, Liar No. 1.could not remember for sure who made the request. now this is the same Liar No. 1.caught on tape lying to phoenix PD officer by showing him the liquor aisle footage and “interpreting” Claudia’s quite ordinary behavior as stuffing merchandise into a bag which elevated the charge to a class 4 felony. see Jerri Williams Letter. [1] finder of fact does realize just how serious a matter this is? Two completely innocent, down on their luck, totally defenseless adults with two little boys to raise, could have been charged with a felony and then dragged through the court system for years resulting in a possible conviction and all that stress on the family and cost to the taxpayer based on the say-so of a spiteful , demonstrated liar who, with the legal help of others no doubt, had totally pulled the wool over the eyes of phoenix pd property crimes division.

this is the same Liar No. 1.who conjured up the two earlier charges totally without evidence which explains why they were never charged. and this is the same Liar No. 1. who opined on Phoenix Police body cam: Claudia is fat, stupid and a waste of space. Moreover, Claudia is worthless and that she hates people like Claudia.[2] and the same Liar No. 1.who lied on the stand about how long and how well she had known Claudia. and was it Liar No. 1., working alone, who authored that obscene fairy tale about the upc audit or did she have outside help? And the list goes on…. what an outrage! how could any fair-minded person pay heed to such patently biased nonsense masquerading as due process?

10.5 xtra points!

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  1. The County Attorney did not take all day to decline that ignorant mess.

  2. Why, do you suppose, Liar No. 1. put so much personal drama into her effort? Is it possible Liar No. 1. had some personal reason for hating Claudia? What does she mean when she says she hates “people like Claudia?”