
The serially abused ex Walmart employee is a now fortysomething Hispanic woman by the name of Claudia Maria Sobarzo living in Phoenix, AZ. After learning how Walmart bullied and humiliated her over the five-year period after she was promoted to an assistant store manager’s position in 2015, reader can decide if they would be interested in becoming a member of what will be the largest (several million strong) and most socially diverse Civil Case Jury ever impaneled. A dear friend likened these unorthodox legal tactics to a reality show/video game. Let’s call this video game National Jury Duty: Walmart, Inc. on Trial. Claudia M. Sobarzo, a destitute female ex-employee, will put the world’s largest and wealthiest retailer ($400) billion), Walmart, Inc., on trial —ONLINE. You, as a member of the jury, will see and hear what a Federal Judge and jury would have had not time, circumstance   and money forced Claudia to abandon her action against Walmart in The U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona. [1]

A fair question: just why does Claudia deserve financial assistance? [2] It seems every time we turn around nowadays someone is asking us to donate to this or that worthy cause and some not so worthy. Why Claudia is deserving is found herein and within the upcoming story itself. From the first abuse to the last, not one, not one single, solitary break did she get. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong , every time, right up to the bitter end; Murphy’s Law run amok! Example: no competent detective or ethical prosecutor would have forwarded those patently bogus Walmart shoplifting charges anywhere other than into the waste basket. Another good reason why she is deserving: at her first store as asst. manager, gung-ho Claudia ignored agonizing pain 12-16 hours a day for months on end before finally passing out on the job from fatigue, a ruptured gall bladder and liver abscess. She was rushed to the emergency room where she underwent two major surgeries and spent nearly two weeks in the intensive care unit. How could anyone have tried any harder to make good on their first manager’s job or have been more conscientious than did Claudia? Her outstanding work ethic is well-known among her peers and a Walmart store manager did recommend her for an assistant
store manager’s position.

 We, the consumer, alone have the same chance of defending ourselves against the Walmart’s as does the old, feeble Elk against the wolf pack. There should be an email address or phone number one of us little people can access for help in fighting the powerful and at times help in fighting the legal system itself. [3] How many times and how often do we hear of criminal misconduct by the police or prosecutors? What kind of a legal system have we allowed devolve where we the taxpayers must live in fear of criminally dishonest or unhinged civil servants who are immune from prosecution and yet wield life and death legal authority over the rest of us!?

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury I close by saying to you I had two choices when all this began. I could have turned my back on my helpless grandchildren and great-grandchildren and left their lives and futures in the hands of the likes of Walmart and others who did not love them or do what I did. Without hesitation, I sucked it up and here I am five years later still working and supporting them at 80 when I really do need to retire for health and other reasons. Maybe this year? Maybe next year!? BTW, I know the vast majority of those who read these words would have done the same for their loved ones were they able. Answer to an obvious question: yes, I do consider myself lucky to be able to help my children, especially when you consider my age and the high mileage on this old chassis.

Back To Opening Statement  — OR — PROCEED TO NEXT DOCUMENT:  A2–A Very Important 34 Seconds.


[1] Rosario Juarez received a 100-million-dollar judgment against AutoZone; had Walmart’s sins against Claudia been fully exposed in Court, pro rata she would likely have been awarded a BILLION DOLLAR judgment. return
[2] What we’re really talking about is not donations for Claudia so much but for those two, beautiful little boys. Win or lose, investing in at-risk child’s future is always a noble gesture. return
[3] If we get lucky and receive enough donations I will seek professional advice and set up a self-perpetuating fund to help future Claudia’s. return