Claudia: I was open-doored the first week. I was called into (redacted)’s office where he informed me all the managers and assistants were scared of me. I asked him to please explain. He read the statements. They read: Claudia is loud, has a deep voice and scares me. She also looks gang affiliated and has tattoos. If I have to continue working with her I will put in for a transfer or give my 2-week notice. I was told to lower my voice, also to keep my distance and when talking to upper management like (redacted), (redacted) or (redacted) don’t use their name, you will address them as Sir, Ma’am, Yes Sir, Yes Ma’am. You will never disrespect them again. If you do just leave your keys, badge and vest on my desk.

Sunday morning, Feb. I sent (redacted) a message and asked if we could call a meeting and put an end to this b.s.. I wanted to apologize and ask what I could do to be part of the team. I just wanted to do things their way. But it was too late. Monday morning Feb.- The managers had a meeting and decided to fire me right after (redacted) said he received an email from home office to terminate my employment. I asked the reason and if I could see the email. He replied he couldn’t show me the email. I again asked for the reason I was being terminated. He replied for falsifying employment records. He then said I lied on my application. I replied no I didn’t. I was honest and explained to my hiring manager Ruth at store #1598 that I had a charge from 1994 [Claudia was an orphaned 17-year-old, still in high school and under AZ CPS protection. ] for cashing an extra Child Protective Services check I received and did not report it. She said, well, let’s get your background run and we will go from there. A week later, she called me and asked if I could attend orientation the next day April, 15th 2002, you got the job. I was so happy and excited. Wal-Mart ran a new background check for my promotions and I passed every single one. The vetting team also told me I had passed my background and was unsure why (redacted) would terminate me. She [an employee of Sterling] called (redacted) (or more likely (redacted) called her) and soon after her attitude completely changed. She apologized (the Sterling employee) and said she couldn’t talk to me anymore. (redacted) said the decision is final you are not coming back to this store. I asked why would the vetting person assure me , 3 times, I passed? She even checked again her emails again then said she would send an email to (redacted) and (redacted) to clear me to return.

I was at this store #3241 only 4 weeks was terminated and then reinstated once more. I was then placed at a Neighborhood Market store #4275 where everything from stores #3799 and #3241 followed me and I was going to relive the nightmare all over again. Feeling emotional, scared, anxious, insecure and nervous I walked into #4275 where store manager (redacted) said to me: “I don’t care about what you’ve been through, we have a business to run so remember the only reason you are here is because I felt sorry for you. You are a mess [why is that do you suppose?] and have messed up too many times. (redacted), (redacted) and (redacted) are my personal friends for years so I don’t want to hear you bad mouthing them. Also, till we get you transferred you will not have any manager’s numbers or info. I will not trust you with mine and neither will any of the other managers.” So I closed every night for a month after that. Since I had none of the operating codes, I couldn’t override, couldn’t log into anything, I’m the only manager. A customer wanted to cash a check, there was no money in the cash drawer and without the codes, I couldn’t get the needed cash. I couldn’t take deliveries because I didn’t have the gate codes to let the trucks in. I tried calling (redacted) but no answer. (redacted) said I can’t give you my info, (redacted) also said he couldn’t help me. I had to wait until the other manager showed up to fix the overrides and change orders. I had no choice but to give the customers gift cards for their inconvenience. The next day (redacted) asked who authorized the gift cards and I said I did , I had no choice. She looked at me with such hate and said; “never do it again. If you pull a stupid move like that again and you can go. I will call (redacted) to get you out of my store.”

[The preceding narrative does offer some new, inside information about how this Wal-Mart employee fared at the hands of low-level Wal-Mart management.]