1/31/2021- Nowhere in trial records could I find any reference to this revelation but according to John and Claudia here’s what happened. At some point in day two of the trial, a Walmart attorney, not the prosecutor, gave a presentation involving a laptop computer, a small table on wheels and a small printer. The Walmart attorney had pulled up images of the purported nine cases of beer sales slips for subject time frame on the computer screen and graciously wheeled it about so as to give the Judge, jury and John and Claudia a look. Claudia made no comments about what she saw on the screen but did comment on the printout, which I believe, was requested by the Judge. The attorney printed out one 8 ½ x 11 page showing four or five of the nine register slips. This printout was passed around for all to examine. Claudia took note of the fact that part of the register audit slips had redacted portions and the unredacted portion was so blurry it could not easily be read and understood. In any case, in her opinion, she learned nothing from the printout and the same for the jury. As she recalls, the WM attorney retrieved the one-page printout mumbling something about proprietary information. So, it seems Claudia’s attorney representing her in upcoming Rule 32 action will not be able to lay hands on this mysterious printout and at the time of this writing, will also not have a copy of Exhibit 15 called out on page 137 of Jury Trial Day Two, since, to date, this exhibit was not in the turnover package he received from Superior Court. Maybe later? Fair question: is Walmart, Inc. hiding something?

And now to Walmart’s other goofy argument: the number of cases of Bud Light claimed sold. Only 9 cases (25% of cases normally sold) in 18 hours [13] when America’s best-selling beer was on sale, the weekend’s coming up and it’s early June in Phoenix Arizona and it’s 110° in the shade, when 20-30 cases or more is the average when the beer is not on sale??!! Note: Walmart claims none of the nine cases sold were two case sales and no cases were sold during subject time frame. All those who believe this nine cases sold B.S. please stand on their heads.

All Walmart “facts” are incredibly convenient and really all we have to rely on is WM witnesses’ truthfulness and since all three witnesses have perjured themselves on the stand, where does that leave you the Jury? It seems clear to thoughtful individuals, there are liars and then there are stupid liars.

Claudia and John filed a Civil suit against Walmart in Federal District Court but couldn’t pursue it beyond the response/reply stage. LINK: Federal Court Case Copy and copy of Motion to Dismiss ruling.[14] We were out of money and time. This was a strong case and very likely would have resulted in a sizeable settlement [15] but we simply did not have the means and money to persevere due to the anatomy of the abuses, most of which would be nearly impossible to investigate, subpoena witnesses, etc.. Also, Walmart drags such matters out for decades sometimes and this would have resulted in irreparable damage to the lives of Claudia’s family. This is not the end of the story, however. As stated earlier, there is a much larger and fairer court accessible to folks like us, a court where Walmart’s mountains of cash and its army of lawyers are of no value, it’s called The Court of Public Opinion. Without the benefit or hindrance of lawyers, eventually millions of U.S. Jurists will sit in front of their computer screens, carefully go over the facts of the matter, sift through the evidence and decide Walmart’s fate; its guilt or innocence of the charge of knowingly and with malice, destroying Claudia’s and her family’s lives. Remember, Claudia’s original ambition was just trying to better herself by accepting an assistant store manager’s position.

After viewing this link: Tatum and Bell Sexual Harassment.jpg, Jury will be informed other such sexting msgs. sent to Claudia’s phone, by the same Walmart employee, contained such filthy, salacious language we chose not make them public. Claudia filed a harassment complaint with WM, I know, I drove her to the meeting where she dropped off the paperwork. What action, if any, Walmart took is unknown.

It’s been a desperate effort to keep my grandchildren’s family together especially these last five years. Catherine and I are now 79 and 80 and we are growing weary. After decades of giving money to worthy causes, now we need financial help ourselves. Any amount will be deeply appreciated and be assured funds will be used to insure two little boys will have a future which at this time, under current circumstances, they do not. Let’s make a deal, you folks send what you can spare to help the little ones and we’ll furnish the labor and the love. And to non-donors, you can still help by forwarding the link to as many people as you can and maybe they will do the same? The 10 million+ ex Walmart employees will probably be interested in hearing this story since very few of them have anything good to say about their WM experiences.

140 million Walmart shoppers living out their collective lives can’t be expected to keep Claudia’s story on the front burner for long. Life goes on and this old world keeps on turning. What seems the best long-term strategy for forcing Walmart to obey the law is for everyone to circle a date on the calendar on or about the 15th of every month and make it a don’t shop at Walmart day. The lads in the ivory towers in Bentonville, AR will see that little dip in their trend lines and immediately know you’re out there and P.O.’d. If every time Walmart or any of the other corporate abusers abuse then let the consumers be informed en masse and punish the offender by spending their dollars elsewhere. When word of another Walmart horror story surfaces and all that comes of it is a temporary drop in the stock price, Walmart will never change its ways. Now, on the other hand, IF it came to pass a billion dollars in sales came up missing, that would get the corporation’s attention. A billion dollars is a lot of money, even to Walmart. To impose a billion-dollar consumer fine upon Walmart is easy. If just one million of Walmart’s one hundred forty-million regular customers withheld $1,000.00 in purchases it’s mission accomplished. If ever again Walmart abused an employee, even to a lesser degree than it did Claudia, then fine the corporation 10 billion next time and keep on fining Walmart until it changes its behavior.

We, the consumer, alone have the same chance of defending ourselves against the Walmart’s as does the old, feeble Elk against the wolf pack. There should be an email address or phone number one of us little people can access for help in fighting the powerful and at times help in fighting the legal system itself. [16] How many times and how often do we hear of criminal misconduct by the police or prosecutors? What kind of a legal system have we allowed devolve where we the taxpayers must live in fear of criminally dishonest or unhinged civil servants who are immune from prosecution and yet wield life and death legal authority over the rest of us!?

If the consumer will persevere and hold Walmart’s feet to the fire on this abuse issue, this will nullify the overwhelming advantage afforded the corporation by the court systems. Question: if not the limited boycott of Walmart stores, how else will the corporation ever be punished for its ruthless and illegal behavior? [17] Anger management perhaps? The corporations own the courts in such matters, so how else will the resourceless and unrepresented ever have their day in court? How else but The Court of Public Opinion??

BULLETIN! On Wednesday, May 19, 2021, after a five year-long losing streak, by God Claudia Maria finally won one; the one that counted!! This very afternoon The Phoenix City Court Trial Judge set aside and dismissed Claudia’s and John’s shoplifting convictions! Hallelujah! She and John are free at last from this three year-long nightmare and can now get on with their lives! However, just this hard-fought win over the Walmart machine alone does not begin to undo the permanent damage done by the emotional pain and suffering or undo the loss of income and damage done to her work history but does reinstate hers and John’s good names and restores their self-esteem.

Poetic justice was done this day when the penniless and poorly represented Claudia M. Sobarzo soundly defeated Walmart, Inc. and its pack of Liars for Hire, the Incompetent Phoenix Police Detectives and the corrupt City of Phoenix Prosecutors on their own turf!!

Even though this has to be the most complex shoplifting case ever, our cause could not be simpler. It’s really just a crowdfunding-type effort by two old grandparents doing their best to leave their disadvantaged grandchildren and their two bright, healthy little boys the means to live a good and productive life before crossing over the Rainbow Bridge . We will be eternally grateful for any and all contributions, in odd or even dollar amounts and any one-time donation is welcome.

NOTE: The IRS rules regarding gifts are very simple and straightforward. If the gift(s) do not exceed $15,000.00 in a calendar year neither the giver nor receiver have any tax liability. Though the tax burden always falls on the giver, other rules allow for giving more than $15,000.00. Coupling the previous information with the fact we are relying on our donors to help us spread the word, it would be hard to come up with a more efficient way to receive donations. No overhead is a good thing? Every dollar is a working dollar minus the transaction fees, of course.

Questions or comments: ahomeforclaudia@gmail.com


Without further ado, I respectfully leave the Jurist to their deliberation.

We offer sincere thanks again for taking the time to hear our story.



  • [13] Defendants bought 2 of the 9 cases claimed sold so this means we are asked to believe that in the 18 hours the store was open that day only 7 other cases of this most popular beer was sold?!
  • [14] Jury will please note Claudia’s, claim was dismissed WITHOUT PREJUDICE meaning she could refile it.
  • [15] Rosario Juarez received a 100-million-dollar judgment against AutoZone; had Walmart’s sins against Claudia been fully exposed in Court, pro rata she would likely have been awarded a BILLION DOLLAR judgment.
  • [16] If we get lucky and receive enough donations I will seek professional advice and set up a self-perpetuating fund to help future Claudia’s.
  • [17] The idea is not to permanently damage Walmart, we need Walmart every bit as much as they need us the consumer. It’s just that the wayward giant’s moral compass is on the fritz and we must show him the way back to the straight and narrow.